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The Max Meditation System is a simple and effective way to meditate. Informal sessions guide you through the system to ensure a relaxing and mindful experience.

For the beginner, the techniques are so effective that it will amaze you with how easy it is to meditate. For the more experienced meditation practitioner, this system can enhance your existing practice!

This system was developed by Modern Mystery School Founder Gudni Gudnason, after traveling the world for the last 35 years exploring the phenomena of the mind.  A complementary blend of ancient methods learned from prominent teachers in India and Tibet, this system is designed to truly teach you how to get the most out of your meditation practice.

Join us for a fusion of ancient techniques of yoga, mind acrobatics, mixed with modern techniques of psychology and NLP to make this the most effective system to reduce stress, pain, enhance your energy, vitality, well being and so much more.



The Sanctuary Meditation is a fail-safe method to easily and safely expand your consciousness to reach the realm of your own personal spiritual sanctuary, meet with your Higher Self and receive clear guidance from within.  This technique is a simple and effective way to access the higher dimensions of our reality and connect to our own true self and inner wisdom.

In this class you will follow a series of steps that will open and expand the chakras, evoke the 3 Sacred Geometries of Creation to create an astral vehicle, which will enable you to safely and easily ascend through the dimensions of reality. This method is a foundational practice that can be used daily or as often as needed. For the experienced or beginner meditation practitioner, this approach will deepen your personal reflection and give you access to an intense sense of connectivity with your spirit and the soul knowledge you possess within yourself.


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